فلسفة الحوار عند سقراط وأثره على فلسفة التربية
AL-Furat University Journal for Resarches and Scientific Studies
2014, Volume 9, issue 36,pp 351-368| Cite as
Socrates Philosophy of discussion and its influence on the philosophy of education
Walid Abdel Karim

It seems that people started to lose confidence in reality. So, Socrates came to reform minds and restore their confidence in reality and knowledge as well as their belief in Good and Virtue. Indeed, Socrates believed that Virtue would never exist without knowledge. Socrates believed that man is consisted of both a spirit and a reason, and that man is able to control feelings by reason. He also believed that the fair laws are the outcome of reason as well as the correspondence with the authentic human nature and that Virtue is knowledge and vice is ignorance. Socrates did not record his own ideas, but he discussed them with the people of his city who were of all social classes; therefore his pupils came around him. He used to ask a lot of questions and would make everyone understand his ideas clearly. And because of his incredible passion of discussion, he confirmed that he would follow the same way even with the ghosts after death.. 

Socrates considered the question an art and the dialogue an approach, which he called 'Generating'. This approach had nothing to do with neither presentation nor direct instruction. It was an approach by which Socrates spoke directly to his interlocutor whom he asked to reveal what he had in mind, with Socrates pretending ignorance - this is known as the 'Socratic Mockery'. Then Socrates would ask his interlocutor a lot of detailed question to make him admit the fact that he definitely wanted; otherwise his interlocutor would be let puzzled and unable to get out of that dilemma. It is in this stage that Socrates would uncover his interlocutor's mistake. All this was achieved by means of strict logical analysis and accurate judgment. 


Keywords: philosophy - Dialogue- Education

وليد عبد الكريم الخلف

يبدو أن الحقيقة والثقة بها قد تزلزلت في نفوس الناس، فجاء سقراط کي يصلح ويعيد للعقول ثقتها بالحقيقة. المعرفة وإيمانها بالفضيلة والخير وآمن أن الفضيلة لا تكون إلا بالعلم. وكان سقراط يرى أن الإنسان روح وعقل يسيطر على الحس ويعقله، وأن القوانين العادلة صادرة عن العقل ومطابقة للطبيعة الحقة. والفضيلة علم والرذيلة جهل، لم يدون سقراط أفكاره بل كان يحاور بها أهل مدينته بجميع شرائحهم والتف حوله تلاميذه. وكان يكثر من السؤال دائمأ كما كان يكره كل إنسان على أن يرى أفكاره في وضوح، وبلغ من شدة ولوعه بالمناقشة، والسؤال أنه أن يواصل و طريقته بعد الموت مع أشباح الموتی.

وكان السؤال عند سقراط فنا، والمحاورة منهجا سماه، هو بالتوليد وطريقته هذه كانت بعيدة عن الإلقاء والتعلم المباشر، بل كان يتوجه إلى مخاطبه فيطلب منه أن يعرض افكاره بعد أن يتظاهر سقراط أمامه بالجهل وهو ما يعرف بالتهكم السقراطي، ثم ينهال عليه بأسئلته الدقيقة على أن يكرهه على الاعتراف بالحقيقة التي يريدها أو يدعه حائراً لا يعرف الخلاص كي يكشف له بعد ذلك عن خطئه كل ذلك كان يتم بواسطة التحليل المنطقي الصارم والدقة في المحاكمة. 
الكلمات المفتاحية: فلسفة - الحوار- التربية