المؤثّرات الوافدة في الأدب العبَّاسي (سهل بن هارون نموذجًا)
AL-Furat University Journal for Resarches and Scientific Studies
issue 46, Cite as
The Incoming Influences in the Abbasid Literature (Sahl Ibn Haroun as a Model)
Dr. Quahtan al Fallah

          Sahl Ibn Haroun obtained a great deal of the extensive culture of his time, and he drank from the fountains of science in Basra. Various currents of cultures and ideas were crowded in his environment. Therefore, he was influenced by them; his mind realized them; and their influences were obvious in his literature. After all, a writer is issued by his knowledge, and the outcome of his culture.

It appears that Sahl was a wide circle of knowledge, and that his method of artistic prose, and the humor and seriousness of his subjects, were the result of this knowledge. In this research, we will identify the incoming cultural currents that influenced his formation. So,  his literature included these currents and he followed them in his subjects and ideas.

د. قحطان صالح الفلاح

 حازَ سهلُ بن هارون (ت215هـ) قَدْرًا كبيرًا من ثقافة عصره الواسعة، ونَهِلَ من ينابيع العِلم في البصرة حتَّى ارتوى. وقد ازدحمت في بيئته تيّاراتٌ مُختلفة من الثَّقافات والأفكار، فتشرّبها روحُه، وسرى ألْقُها في نفسِه، ووَعاها عقلُه، فغذّى بها أدبَه، ولهِجَ بها لسانُه. والأديب إنّما يصدرُ عن معارفه، وحصيلة ثقافته، فيقيم بها أَوَدَ مَوهبته.

ويبدو أنَّ سَهْلاً كان دائرةَ معارف واسعة، وأنَّ طريقتَه في النَّثر الفنّيّ، وطَرافة موضوعاته وجِدّتها كانتا حصيلة هذه المعارف، ولَقاح تلك الأفكار. وسنتعرّف في هذا البحث التيّارات الثّقافيّة الوافدة التي أثّرت في تكوينه، فصدرَ عنها في أدبه، ونحا نَحْوها في موضوعاته وأفكاره.